Registration Information
Rising 6th Grade: Class of 2031
Counselor: Kelley Flatters
Admin: Dorian Manza
(View all of the information needed to register here)
Rising 7th Grade: Class of 2030 Rising 8th Grade: Class of 2029
Counselor: Ryan Ferguson Counselor: Lily Dittrich
Admin: Maria Serka Admin: Jessica Lee-Torvik
Rising 7th/8th Grade Resource Page - Most information you will need is available here.
Rising 7th/8th Grade Registration Form - Forms will go live March 8th at 3:30pm
Rising 7th/8th Classroom Presentations:
Week of March 4th - Counselors will present registration information and instructions on how to complete the online registration form with parents.
Week of March 18th - Counselors will facilitate students entering class requests into Family Access.
Rising 7th/8th Online Registration Form Final Due Date: March 15th
Informational slide deck and additional resources will be available on the Einstein website on March 8th at 3:30pm